STAYFIT – an innovative app designed to cater specifically to busy individuals, offering a tailored approach to gradually integrate healthier habits into their daily lives. Unlike crash diets or intense workout regimens, STAYFIT understands the challenges of maintaining a healthy lifestyle amidst a hectic schedule.

With STAYFIT, bid farewell to the cycle of fast food and embrace a credible diet program that prioritizes sustainable progress over quick fixes. The app provides personalized guidance and support, empowering individuals to make small, manageable changes that align with his preferences and schedule.


A wellness startup is creating a new app that combines fitness and nutrition. They understand how important it is to know their target audience and are committed to making their service meet the unique needs of their users. The startup is focusing on people with busy lifestyles. They want to offer something special that sets them apart from other products in the market. This focus on the busy demographic shows their dedication to providing a solution that addresses the challenges and goals of this dynamic group of people.

Client: Wellness

Duration: 3 weeks

Role: UXR, UX Designer

Create an app that caters to the needs of busy individuals and help them maintain a healthy lifestyle by offering unique features that differentiate it from other products in the market.

Research Process.

We started the process with conducting Focus Groups rather than one-on-one interviews to encourage diverse perspectives, stimulate conversation, and validate findings through group interaction. They also foster collaboration and idea generation, while providing efficiency by gathering data from multiple participants simultaneously. Observing non-verbal cues during group discussions further enhances understanding of participants' attitudes and reactions, resulting in a more comprehensive insight into the target audience's needs and preferences regarding health and wellness management.

  1. Research goal:

    • Gain a deep understanding of the needs, preferences, behaviors, and pain points of individuals with busy lifestyles regarding health and wellness management.

  2. Target audience:

    • Working Professionals

    • Parents

    • Students

    • Busy Individuals

Research Questions.

  1. What are the biggest challenges you face in maintaining a healthy lifestyle while juggling a busy schedule?

  2. How do you currently manage your fitness and nutrition routines amidst your hectic lifestyle?

  3. What motivates or demotivates you when it comes to prioritizing your health and wellness?

  4. What specific features or functionalities would you find most helpful in a fitness and nutrition app tailored for busy individuals?

  5. Can you describe a typical day in your life, including your routines, habits, and any pain points related to health and wellness?

  6. How do you prefer to receive guidance or support when it comes to making healthy choices?

  7. What are your expectations from a fitness and nutrition app, and how do you envision it fitting into your daily routine?

  8. How do you currently track your progress towards health and fitness goals, if at all?

  9. What factors influence your decision-making process when choosing or using health-related apps or services?

  10. How important is customization and personalization to you when it comes to fitness and nutrition guidance?

Key Findings & Insights.

  • Time Constraints Impact Consistency: Many participants cited time constraints as a significant barrier to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Busy schedules, long work hours, and exhaustion often hinder their ability to prioritize fitness and nutrition consistently.

  • Convenience is Key: Participants frequently mentioned the allure of convenience when it comes to food choices. Fast food and takeout options are appealing due to their quick and hassle-free nature, especially for those with limited time for meal preparation.

  • Motivation Fluctuates with Progress and Stress: Motivation to prioritize health and wellness is influenced by factors such as seeing progress, feeling energetic, and managing stress levels. Conversely, feeling overwhelmed or stressed can lead to demotivation and unhealthy behaviors.

  • Need for Accessibility and Customization: There is a strong desire for fitness and nutrition solutions that are accessible, flexible, and tailored to individual preferences and schedules. Quick, effective workouts, personalized meal planning tools, and motivational features are highly valued.

  • Accountability and Support Matter: Participants expressed a need for accountability and support in their health and wellness journey. Features such as reminders, motivational messages, virtual coaching, and community support can help individuals stay on track and overcome challenges.

Meet the users (persona).


New Features.

Scheduled notifications and reminders

Familiar UI

Setting up routines and goals

Encouraging achievements messages

Devices synchronization


Nearby healthy restaurants

Healthy food recipes

Various filtering options

Recipes based on available ingredients

Automated scheduled meal delivery

Tailored workouts based variables

Base on the research findings, three main objectives were prioritized :

  • Given the busy lifestyle of the target group (and sometimes lazy attitude), the UI had to be familiar to their most used social/profession media platforms… in our target audience case this was “LinkedIn and Instagram”

  • Not to force a new behavior or activity on the target audience all at once, for example they are used to ordering food…so replacing it with only “cooking” features would have been stressful on them. Instead we keep the feature they mostly use, but inform it a little bit to suit the new goals by having healthy food ordering from near by healthy restaurants.

  • Tailor routines based on their circumstances, for example offer office appropriate workouts.

Lo-fi “Home Page” design ideations.

Color palette.

Blueish teal combined with Warm monochrome color tones offers a harmonious blend of emotional resonance, visual engagement, inclusivity, psychological impact, and aesthetic appeal, while also conveying a sense of trust, calmness, and vitality that aligns with its wellness-focused objectives… making it well-suited for a wellness-focused mobile app tailored for busy individuals.

  • Balanced Emotionality

  • Visual Engagement

  • Gender Neutrality

  • Psychological Impact

  • Aesthetic Appeal

Hi-fi Prototype.

Next step (Usability testing).

We've introduced innovative features within the app that need validation to ensure they're optimized for maximum effectiveness. These features serve as our brand's unique value proposition, setting us apart from competitors by addressing the specific needs of our target audience. They are the result of extensive user research, tailored precisely to the preferences and requirements identified within our user base.

1. Recipes based on available ingredients

This feature allows users to browse recipes based on 3-5 available ingredients in their kitchen

2. Automated scheduled meal delivery

The user can schedule a fav. meal from a specific restaurant to be automatically ordered and delivered to their desired location at a pre-planned time every desired day. The app will also send a notification reminder 30 min before placing order to ensure user awareness

3. Familiar UI

By placing the “LOG” button and icon exactly as the most used apps by the users, this increases chances of users logging in their data every day

What do we need to test and validate :

  • Introduced new features likeability, importance and easiness of use

  • Users feeling towards the automated food ordering feature, the fact that money will be deducted automatically from your wallet

  • If users feel the familiarity of the UI and log their data daily/regularly

  • Unnecessary features

  • Clusterness of the UI / ease of use and navigate

  • Overall feelings towards the UI/UX

  • If users feel the app is tailored to them

  • Frequency of using it / recommending it

  • Other improvments

Usability testing in progress…

stay tuned.