ADAM is a personal assistant robot designed to enhance business meetings.

It operates using TREMVO software which is a peer-to-peer recognition platform made to appreciate, recognize and reward the efforts of daily activities in work environments.

ADAM had to be always present in all business meetings, thus it was designed to imitate the formal responsible employee with a suit and tie appearance.


The goal was to blend a professional "Suit n Tie" appearance with the presence of a miniature robot seated on the meeting room table, seamlessly integrating as part of the team. Whether it was for presenting, providing assistance, or taking notes, the intent was for it to consistently resemble a valued colleague in appearance and function.


Several design iterations underwent company-wide surveys to achieve the most fitting and aesthetically pleasing form that would effectively fulfill its intended purpose.

Meet ADAM.

ADAM's most iconic design feature is the interactive illuminated section resembling a tie, serving as a visual feedback interface for displaying various statuses and responding to commands.

ADAM seamlessly integrates with a variety of applications and software, all governed by TREMVO's core algorithm. This broad compatibility allows ADAM to interact across platforms, enhancing adaptability and functionality for efficient operations within the system.